1 Minute Recharge | Body, Mind, Breath | Too busy to take a break. Just sit back in your chair, close your eyes for a minute. Focus your attention on your breath. After a few seconds, the breath will start slowing down, muscles will begin relaxing, body will feel lighter and mind will be more composed. You may extend this timeout else come out of the state by rubbing the palms and placing them on the eyes. |
Neck Rolls ![]() | Neck, Shoulder, Head Stiffness | Seated on a Office Chair, Car Seat, Yoga Mat, Standing these simple neck rolls can be done anytime to remove the stiffness and pain caused due to extended seated hours at the desktop. Movement Pattern – Centre to Top and Bottom <Centre to Right & Left < Centre to Ears to Shoulders. All Movements to be changed slowly with the change in breath (Long Inhale and Exhale) Repeat 3 times each and relax. * People suffering from Cervical and Spondylitis should not bring the neck down. |
Shoulder Rolls | Shoulder Stiffness, Pain Upper and Middle Back Stiffness | Seated on a Office Chair, Car Seat, Yoga Mat, Standing simple Shoulder rolls can be done anytime to remove the stiffness and pain caused due to extended seated hours at the desktop. Movement Pattern – Centre to Top and Bottom All Movements to be changed slowly with the change in breath (Long Inhale and Exhale) Repeat 15 times each clockwise and anticlockwise and relax. |
Backward Bending ![]() | Whole Back, Shoulders, Buttocks and Waist Stiffness | Stand in front of the chair, give hip distance gap between the legs. Place your hands on both sides of the waist. Swell up the chest with air and bend backward as much as comfortable. Keep the eyes open. You may bend your knees for a deeper stretch. Stay for a few seconds. Come back to original position while exhaling out. Repeat for 3 times. You may counter stretch by bending forward for the same number of times. * People suffering from Cervical and Spondylitis, long back pain, slip disc should avoid the forward bend |
Side Stretching on the Chair / Yoga Mat | Full Torso Stretch | ![]() |
ONLY YOGA MAT / CARPETED FLOOR -Naukasana (Boat Pose) ![]() | Helps to reduce belly fat. Improve the function of digestion. Regulates the function of pancreas, liver and lungs. Strengthens abdominal muscles. Good for diabetes patient to maintain the sugar level. Improves the blood circulation | Sit on the mat in L shape. Your spine will be tall and legs stretched out. Now lean back slightly. Your arms should be straight out parallel. Now take a deep inhalation and lift your legs to 45 degrees angle. Your hands will be above your legs. Keep the spine straight and tighten your belly. You will feel your abdomen muscles shaking. You are now rocking in the water like a boat. Hold the pose for few seconds. Relax and comeback in the first position with exhalation * People suffering from long back pain, slip disc should avoid the holding the asana for long. neck should not be raised if weak, cervical or Spondylitis |
ONLY YOGA MAT / CARPETED FLOOR Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose) ![]() | Stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips. Strengthens the back, buttocks, and hamstrings. Improves circulation of blood. Helps alleviate stress and mild depression. Calms the brain and central nervous system. Stimulates the lungs, thyroid glands, and abdominal organs. Improves digestion | Lie down on your mat, with knees bent and feet placed strongly on the ground .Give gap between your legs, your knees should be at hips distance. Place your arms alongside your body, palms should be facing downward. Try to touch your heels with your palms, if you can Now you are ready to rise like a bridge – tuck your chin into your chest, inhale deeply and lift your hips off the ground Your back will be flat and body will curve like a bridge, keep breathing deeply Stay in this pose for few seconds. Now, support your spine with both hands and stretch out your legs in the front fully. Stay for few breaths Slowly bring your legs back to the Setubandhasana It is time for the bridge to become flat again – slowly bring your hips down and place your body on the floor. Straighten your legs and relax in Pavanmuktasana. *People with neck and back injuries, weak shoulders, knee pain should avoid this asana. |
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ONLY YOGA MAT / CARPETED FLOOR – Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) ![]() | Stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest and abdomen. Decreases stiffness of the lower back. Strengthens the arms and shoulders. Increases flexibility. Improves menstrual irregularities. Elevates mood. Firms and tones the buttocks. Invigorates the heart | Lie flat on your stomach. Place your hands on the side and ensure that your toes touch each other. Then, move your hands to the front, making sure they are at the shoulder level, and place your palms on the floor. Now, placing your body’s weight on your palms, inhale and raise your head and trunk. Note that your arms should be bent at your elbows at this stage. You need to arch your neck backward in an attempt to replicate the cobra with the raised hood. But make sure your shoulder blades are firm, and your shoulders are away from your ears. Press your hips, thighs, and feet to the floor. Hold the asana for about 15 to 30 seconds while breathing normally. Feel your stomach pressed against the floor. With practice, you should be able to hold the asana for up to two minutes. To release the pose, slowly bring your hands back to the sides. Rest your head on the ground by bringing your forehead in contact with the floor. Place your hands under your head. Then, slowly rest your head on one side and breathe. *People with Hernia, Back Injuries, Carpal tunnel syndrome Headaches and Recent abdominal Surgeries should avoid it. |
Dynamic Pranayama Bhastrika (Active Inhalation & Exhalation) Kapalbhati (Active Exhalation) | Bhastrika :Removes diseases of the nose and chest and eradicates asthma Relieves inflammation of the throat Increases gastric fire. Useful in Muscular Dystrophy and Oxygen deficiency disorders. This Pranayama brings about a proper balance of the three Doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and maintains their balance. Blood is purified and the body gets rid of foreign objects and toxins. Stabilizes Prana and calms mind, and helps the upward journey | To be practiced ONLY by participants of the 20 minute and 21 day Challenge preferably on empty / light stomach * People Suffering from heart disease, High blood pressure Hernia. Should never be practiced when an asthmatic attack is in progress. If pain or dizziness is experienced ,it is preferable to stop the practice till the sensation has passed. Practice can be restarted with less force. Quick exhalation should be comfortable to oneself. i.e. quick exhalation should not be too forceful |
Kapalabhati :cleanses the lungs and entire respiratory system. The blood is purified and body gets an increased supply of oxygen to all cells. Digestion is improved. Abdominal muscles are strengthened. Prepares the mind for meditation. Energize the mind for mental work. |
Abdominal or Diaphragmatic Breathing | Helps lower blood pressure, and therefore the risk of heart disease Helps lower blood sugar, and therefore the risk of diabetes. Increases the secretion of growth hormone and slows the aging process. Improves mental focus and clarity by increasing blood flow to the pre-frontal cortex of your brain. Improves sleep quality. Facilitates weight loss by balancing stress hormones with anabolic hormones. Reduces Stress | To perform this exercise while sitting in a chair: Sit comfortably, with your knees bent and your shoulders, head and neck relaxed. Breathe in slowly through your nose so that your stomach moves out against your hand Can be practiced anytime in a seated or a lying position on empty / light stomach |
Laughter Meditation | Instant Stress Management. Releases Happy Cells in the Body Promotes Positivity and supplies more oxygen to the brain | Sit in a comfortable position. Allow the body to relax Close the eyes and take a few deep breaths. Now slowly start laughing gently. You may close your eyes for increased awareness. Keep your body loose. Continue laughing until you feel comfortable. You may increase the laughter tempo or continue at the same pace. Laugh until you feel comfortable. As the laughter fades out, close your eyes and allow the breath to restore its natural state. You may also deep breathing for a few minutes after this practise. * people with heart conditions, high BP should laugh gently. |
Points to Note:
- Always do the practise as per your capacity.
- Practice on empty / light stomach in comfortable clothes
- Stop the practice in case of any discomfort. Relax immediately
- Sequence : Asana <Pranayama<Meditation / Relaxation
- This handout is only for reference .Yoga with V entity will not be responsible for any consequences occurring due to negligence, wrong practice or injuries as a result of ignorance of the participants.
- Please get in touch for further clarifications: v@yogawithv.com